
Phone: [+44 -0- 208 087 2501] - Email: info@chefacademyoflondon.com

Online Courses Now Available – Enrol Now

Are you looking for a flexible and affordable training program that could lead to a full-time career in the food service industry? Chef Academy London Online courses are the perfect choice to turn your passion into professional qualifications.

Book An Online Course

Culinary Course and Educational Programme

Chef Academy is located in the centre of London. Our expert chefs train and educate students with traditional methods of cuisine. They are the most modern and creative cooking techniques!

Professional Cooking Courses

Professional Chef Course

This course includes 75 hours of training in our development kitchen to improve your cooking techniques followed by 250 hours live training in one of our highly acclaimed restaurant partners.

Contact Us

Michelin Star Level

With many of our courses you will be trained to Michelin Star level and have the chance to train in one of our famous Michelin Star restaurant partner kitchens.

Professional Cooking Courses

Understanding The Restaurant Business

With us, you will get the chance to have meetings with the owners, supervisors, chefs and companies involved in the food environment. You will gain all the essential aspects of the catering industry including dealing directly with the production, distribution and control of food.

Professional Cooking Courses

Job Opportunities

Chef Academy London provides important and beneficial work references. Our careers team will help you gain access to the professional world of chefs to start your career. We are proud to say that we have a 100% employment success rate.

Job Centre

Our New Courses

We are delighted to introduce from September 2019, our new Vegan and Vegetarian Courses.

Our New Courses

Restaurant Partners

Chef Academy work with large variety of critically acclaimed restaurants in and around London. From a range of different cuisines, we will find the perfect restaurant to suit your training needs.

Restaurant Partners

Pastry Courses

If you are passionate about pastry and would like to pursue a career in the industry, we have the course for you. Our executive pastry chef is amongst the best in London. He prides himself on his creative work. Train in the well equipped, famous pastry laboratory and see every aspect of the industry.

Pastry course

Advanced Professional Chef Course

This course is a great way to learn about becoming a professional chef at the highest standard, you will train in our kitchens from top level fine dining to michelin star level. We are the only Academy with a molecular cuisine course.

Advanced Professional Chef Course

Welcome to Chef Academy London, the cooking school that helps you become a professional chef!

"One of the best cooking schools in London with a selection of culinary programmes, intense courses and live chef training."

Cooking Courses

Course Objectives

Chef Academy students learn the art of cooking from a professional platform to gain experience in the field. We offer bespoke, practical and effective courses that focus not only on teaching the main cooking techniques, but also teach the meaning of what it is like to be a chef working in a professional kitchen.

Our students have the chance to train alongside London's best chefs, from top level fine dining to Michelin star level, in the kitchens of their restaurants. They will be ready to start working immediately after the successful completion of the course. They will have all the practical and theoretical skills to confidently enter a professional kitchen.

Chef Academy is a prestigious school that is internationally recognised. The Academy was founded in Italy and due to huge success, another school was opened shortly afterwards in London, which is amongst the most reputable in the UK. Graduating at Chef Academy will give you access to the professional world of cooking. Our school is also internationally recognized by ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Colleges). 

Chef Academy Logo

“Chef Academy is accredited at Premier status by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC) for its commendable areas of operation. ASIC is an independent body which provides accreditation services for independent, further and higher education colleges.

ASIC accreditation helps students and parents make better informed decisions. They also help schools, colleges, universities, training providers and distance education providers to acknowledge they are a part of an international student body and high quality institution.”

New and Exciting Courses!

Professional Culinary Courses!

Check out our popular course Hospitality Management and Advanced Food Science! Learn to become a professional chef and how to successfully manage your own kitchen.

Do you dream of transforming your passion for food into an exciting new business or career?

Join us for one of our courses and launch your future in the culinary field!

Apply now or call one of our study coordinator team members for more information about our payment options.

If you would prefer to chat in person, book an appointment with one of our friendly course advisors. They can give you all the information you need about our courses, payment options and restaurant partners.

Call us today and start your journey towards the career you have always wanted! We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Chef Academy Certificate

Chef Academy London is a prestigious and internationally renowned educational institution. Every day more and more candidates are keen to enrol for one of our highly professional courses. Chef Academy London is one of the most acclaimed educational establishments in London. We are proud to provide quality courses and prepare the best professional chefs in the industry!

Our school is internationally recognised by ASIC (an accreditation service for international colleges). This enables our students to pursue a career throughout national or international territory.



Complaints Policy and Procedure

This document describes the Complaint Handling Policy of Chef Academy London (hereinafter “the school”) which has been implemented to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations relating to complaint handling.



This Policy applies to all employees, officers, director, representatives and advisors of the school.


Control Objective

This Policy's objective is to minimize damage to our reputation and reduce the risk of litigation by handling complaints from our customers or prospects in a timely, effective and consistent manner.


Responsible Person

Chef Academy Admin Department is hereby designated as responsible for the application of this policy, and to review this policy on a regular basis to ensure that it continue to comply with industry laws, regulations, guidelines and best practices. Chef Academy Admin Department is also responsible to communicate this school’s policy to all employees, officers, director, representatives and advisors of the school.



A complaint shall be deemed to mean any written statement of a student or any person acting on behalf of a student alleging a grievance involving the conduct, business or affairs of the school or any employee, representative, officer, director or advisor of the school.


Although the definition of “complaint” refers to only written complaints, there may be instances where the school receives a verbal complaint from a student which will warrant the same treatment as a written complaint. Such situations depend upon the nature and severity of the student’s allegations and require the professional judgment of the individual who received the complaint.


A complaint should include at least one of the three following elements:

- Complaint about the school;

- Potential damages or damages suffered by the student; or

- Request of corrective measures.

For greater certainty, errors that the school accepted to correct are not considered as complaints unless repetition or recurrence causes grievance to a student.


A Complaint Log is a Database to track key elements of the complaint process and category in order to identify potential trends or concerns and to produce reports.



It is the policy of the school to:

a) Handle complaints from students or prospects in a timely, effective, fair and consistent manner.

b) To record complaints centrally in the complaints log.

c) To report complaints to the company whose product is involved as well as, where applicable, to the company that sponsors the advisor’s license.


Acknowledgement Letter

When the school receives a complaint, an acknowledgment letter must be sent to the student within 5 business days. This letter must include the following elements:

- Name of the person responsible for handling the student’s complaint;

- Key elements of the school’s Complaint Policy; and

- Expected delay of the outcome.


Complaint Log

1. All complaints must immediately be reported to Chef Academy London Admin Department;

2. All complaints must be logged in the Complaint Log.

The Complaint Log must, at least, include the following information:

- Date of complaint;

- Complainant’s name;

- Nature of the complaint and the circumstances;

- Name of the person who is the subject of the complaint;

- The product or the services which are subject of the complaint; and

- The date and conclusions of the decision rendered in connection with the complaint.

3. Complaints in the Complaint Log must be maintained for a period of 7 years, following the resolution date.


Change of Procedures and Disciplinary Measures

Chef Academy Admin Department must monitor the complaint log and ensure that appropriate disciplinary measures are taken if necessary and provide recommendations for change in the company’s procedures if appropriate


Technical issues

Chef Academy London's courses provide professional and efficient training throughout the course.

If any technical issues should arise beyond our control, such as electrical, gas, building or weather issues we will do our very best to resolve them and  find an alternative arrangement or extend the training for longer if it is required.

Privacy Policy

Information on the processing of personal data

THE CHEF ACADEMY LTD - Registration Num 12978300 - UKPRN:10049547, as data controller, pursuant to art. 13 of the General European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data 679/2016 (called "GDPR"), provides the following information about the processing of personal data that you, as an interested party, has communicated to us.

Our policy

Anyone has the right to the protection of personal data concerning him.

THE CHEF ACADEMY LTD - Registration Num 12978300 - UKPRN:10049547, respects the right of its users to be informed regarding the collection and other processing operations of their personal data. The processing of your personal data will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, and protection of your privacy and your rights. For more information on our Privacy Policy, you can contact the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Who treats your personal data, with what purposes and methods

Your personal data is collected and will be processed exclusively for purposes strictly related to the use of the website and its services. In particular, your personal data may be processed for the following purposes:

as part of the registration process on the site www.chefacademyoflondon.com, we collect your personal data (such as e-mail address, postal address, gender, User ID, Password) through the registration form to provide you with the services access to reserved areas and/or for sending newsletters, where required;

if you have any purchase processes for products and/or services, we collect your personal data (such as e-mail address, personal data, postal address, credit card and bank details, telephone number) using the appropriate form:

a) to provide assistance and customer care services;

b) to register for newsletter services;

c) for the insertion of personal data in the database of the Data Controllers;

d) for accounting;

e) for the management of receipts and payments;

f) to fulfill the obligations provided for by the civil and tax law, by regulations, by community legislation.

Your personal data are processed mainly in electronic format and in some cases even in paper formats, such as when the processing of your data is necessary to prevent fraud, by the owner, the manager and the persons in charge of observing any precautionary measures, which guarantees its security and confidentiality.

The processing of sensitive data will be carried out within the limits of the general authorization of the Guarantor n. 5 of 2011.

Personal data will be stored in the form that allows identification for the time strictly necessary for the purpose for which the data were collected and subsequently processed and, in any case, within the limits of the law.

Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties for purposes not permitted by law or without your express consent.

Your personal data may be disclosed to third parties only when it is necessary to follow up the conclusion of the contract, such as online payment bodies such as Paypal, for the execution of remote electronic payment services, by credit card/debt, if the customer decides to purchase a product or service.

In addition, your data may be disclosed to police forces or judicial authorities, in accordance with the law and upon formal request from such parties.

Nature of data collection and consequences of failure to provide data

The provision of your personal data is mandatory for the purposes strictly related to the use of the website, its services and, in any case, for the online purchase of products and in order to comply with legal requirements.

The communication of your personal data and, in particular, of personal data is necessary with regard to the conclusion of the contract for the purchase of products or the provision of other services rendered on the website at the request of the customer or when the data are necessary for fulfillment obligations arising from legal or regulatory provisions.

Any refusal to disclose certain data necessary for such purposes could make it impossible to execute the contract for the purchase of products and/or services and possibly the impossibility of providing services through this website. In case of purchase of products and/or services, failure to provide data may constitute, according to the circumstances, a legitimate and justified reason for not executing the purchase contract for products and/or services.

Communication and dissemination of data

Your personal data for the purposes of the execution of the contract and for the purposes indicated above may be disclosed:

- to all natural and legal persons (legal, administrative, tax consultancy, auditing firm, couriers and freight forwarders, data processing center, etc.) in cases where communication is necessary for the purposes illustrated above;

- to banks for the management of receipts and payments;

- to our collaborators and employees specifically appointed and within the scope of their duties;

The collected data are not subject to dissemination.

Security measures

We have adopted security measures in order to minimize the risk of destruction or loss, even accidental, of the data, unauthorized access or treatment not allowed or not compliant with the collection purposes indicated in our Privacy Policy.

However THE CHEF ACADEMY LTD- Registration Num 12978300 - UKPRN:10049547 cannot guarantee its users that the measures are taken for the security of the website and the transmission of data and information limit or exclude any risk of unauthorized access or loss of data. We recommend that you make sure your computer is equipped with appropriate software to protect data transmission both inbound and outbound (as up-to-date antivirus systems) and that your Internet service provider has taken appropriate measures to ensure the security of your computer. transmission of data on the network (such as firewalls and antispam filters)


This site uses automatic data collection systems, such as cookies. The cookie is a device that is transmitted to the user's hard disk; it does not contain comprehensible information but allows to associate the user with his personal information (as, for example, in the case of collection of the user's IP address and other information relating to the permanence of the website or the preferences expressed by the user in the navigation) issued by the same. Cookies are placed by our server and no one can access the information contained on it. This information and data are collected directly and automatically from the website and as part of its operation. This information and data are then processed anonymously and aggregated for commercial purposes and for the optimization of services to the needs and preferences of users of the website.

For details and to give consent or not to use cookies visit our section dedicated to Cookie Policy.

Rights of the interested party

At any time you can exercise your rights towards the data controller pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree n. 196 of 30 June 2003, which we reproduce for your convenience.

The interested party has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in intelligible form.

The interested party has the right to obtain the indication:

a) of the origin of personal data;

b) of the purposes and methods of the processing;

c) of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;

d) of the identifying details of the holder, of the responsible and of the designated representative according to article 5, paragraph 2;

e) of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the territory of the State, managers or agents.

The interested party has the right to obtain:

a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;

b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;

c) the attestation that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except in the case where such fulfilment is it proves impossible or involves a use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

The interested party has the right to object, in whole or in part:

a) on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection;

b) to the processing of personal data concerning him for the purpose of sending advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.

The rights referred to in Article 7 are exercised by request without formalities to the owner or manager, also through a designated person, to whom appropriate feedback is provided without delay.

The request addressed to the owner or manager can also be sent by registered letter, fax or e-mail.

Right to be forgotten

Pursuant to art. 17 of the General European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data 679/2016 (called "GDPR") you can request the cancellation of all your personal data to the data controller by filling out the Right to erasure request from and sending it by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


If you wish to receive further information on how we process your personal data, please write an e-mail to the following e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Applicable law

The Data Protection Act 1998 is an Act passed by parliament in order to protect data in UK. The Data Protection Act provides guidance and practice rules for government and organisations to follow such as regulating the processing of personal data, protecting the rights of the data subject, enabling the Data Protection Agency (The ICO) to enforce rules and holding organisations liable to fines in the event of a breach of the rules.

The Data Protection Act updated on 23.05.18 because the Digital technology has transformed in the twenty years since it was last passed.

New Data Protection Act makes sure data protection laws fit for the digital age in which an ever increasing amount of data is being processed.

Terms & Conditions

We reserve the right to make amendments to the cookery courses content and recipes without notice.

Application requirements

You must be 18 years or over to attend any course.

Skill Levels

If you are unsure of your skill requirements for a course, please phone us so we can help ascertain your level of experience before booking. We rely on students being able to self assess their own skill level and are happy to assist with this but cannot be held liable if you book a course much higher or lower than your actual skill level.

Please call us on +44 -0- 208 087 2501 if you are in doubt.

Equal Opportunities

We are commited to ensuring that no students receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, sex, religion, marital status, nationality, ethnic origin, disability or sexual orientation.
All students will be provided with the appropriate training for their needs, regardless of their race, sex, religion. marital status, nationality, ethnic origin, disability or sexual orientation.  Chef Academy London will make no distinction based on such grounds between the training, facilities and benefits it provides to its students.
It is the responsibility of all students to ensure that they abide by this policy, and you can contribute in particular by:

  • Not discriminating against fellow students, tutors, suppliers, Chef Academy staff and members of the public with whom you come into contact with for the duration of the course.
  • Not inducing or attempting to induce others to practice unlawful discrimination.

If you consider that you are a victim of unlawful discrimination, you should raise this issue through the grievance procedure. You should be ensured that Chef Academy London will at all times take such allegations seriously and will carry out a full investigation and take appropriate measures against unacceptable behaviour.

Health & Safety

All participants should wear shoes with flat, non-slip soles and covered toes. You cannot enter the kitchen unless you are wearing the correct footwear, you must wear your chefs uniform at all times, long hair must be tied back in the kitchen and if necessary wear a hairnet. We are not responsible for any damage that occurs to your clothing.
Please inform us in advance of any allergies, disabilities, diabetes, pregnancy, epilepsy, learning difficulties and anything that we may need to know for your own safety and the safety of others.
The school takes the matter of illegal drugs very seriously. We are aware of the hazards of cooking under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Substance abuse at the academy is a matter taken very seriously. The alcohol/drugs can heighten feelings of disorientation and may potentially create hazardous situations for both students and staff. If a student is attending our courses under the influence of alcohol, solvents or illegal drugs, then there will be consequences such as a fixed period exclusion. More serious disciplinary consequences will be considered, dependent upon individual circumstances.

Didactic fee

For Chef courses: £ 650
For Patisserie courses: £ 750 

Content of the didactic kit:

  • C.A.L. Didactic Kit  
  • C.A.L. Professional uniform  
  • HACCP Certificate issue  
  • Job Opportunity counselling  

If students decide not to purchase the didactic kit, they will be required to purchase the HACCP training and assessment. Students must send Chef Academy a copy of their HACCP certificate once completed. HACCP must be completed before the first day of the course.

Certificated Courses

All of our courses offer a Chef Academy diploma, accredited by ASIC (accreditation service for international school, colleges and universities) upon successful completion of a course. Successful completion of a course is determined by the chef tutors/chef trainers, based on a minimum rate of attendance, learning progress and attitude. Upon completion of the course there is a written assessment, you must have a pass rate minimum of 85%. Certificates are issued at the discretion of the chef tutors. Please note, to maintain the value of our course certificates, students that have a partial attendance record will find that reflected on their course certificate. The certificate must be collected from our office, otherwise £30 shipping fee is applicable.

International Students

International students, if you are not from the EU, you will require a short term student visa to enrol for any of our courses.
When making your Visa application you must supply all of the information required to the Embassy. Failure to do so will result in your application being refused and you will not be issued a refund. If you are given the right to appeal the decision we will postpone the course start date. If you are not given the right to appeal you will not be issued a refund.

Course Programme

The course programme is subject to change due to choice of restaurant partner and/or seasonal produce.

*Due to the high level of training students enrolled for the Michelin Star Course will begin their training directly in one of our Michelin Star restaurant partners.

Restaurant Partners

Our team of coordinators at Chef Academy work alongside our executive chefs who assess each student individually to determine their skill level and capabilities, to enable us to decide which of our restaurant partners would be the most suitable for them to start their live training. Once this has been agreed between all parties, the student will spend 200/250 hours in the restaurant. The restaurant will not be changed unless a serious issue has been reported from both the chef trainer and the student.
Our courses are highly professional and practical. Students will learn how to work in a professional kitchen. Their role in the kitchen will be equivalent to a demi chef de partie. During the course, students will spend most of their time in a professional environment. This will allow them to understand how a live kitchen works. While in the kitchen they will be considered as a member of kitchen staff, this allows them to have an understanding of what being a chef means.
The restaurant's Head Chef will be the main tutor but not the only tutor, that doesn’t mean he/she will spend all of their time with the student. Students will spend time in every section of the kitchen being trained alongside the chef de partie and/or kitchen staff, the Head Chef will supervise this training.
Students are required to partake in any tasks that need doing in the kitchen, with no exception (from food preparation, mise en place, assisting the chef de partie, service assistance, and any other tasks the head chef finds relevant). Students' level and skills will be assessed by the chef and this will determine the tasks a student is given, they may not be able to do certain things and may be moved onto different sections or assist with service.

Pastry Courses

Our pastry courses take part in a professional working pastry laboratory in London. You are expected to abide by the rules of the laboratory, this means arriving on time, following your schedule, informing the Chef and Chef Academy London of any lateness or absence. The training is not classroom style. You will train alongside the chef in charge of each section. You must listen to their instruction and behave accordingly.

Live Training

When you start your live training with any of our restaurant partners, you are expected to abide by the rules of the kitchen, this means arriving on time, following your schedule, informing the Chef and Chef Academy London of any lateness or absence. The training is not classroom style. You will train alongside the chef in charge of each section. You must listen to their instruction and behave accordingly. This type of training is very hands on, you will be given a programme of what you need to learn and most importantly you are the leader of your training.

Class Hours and size

The set hours and training location within Chef Academy London development kitchen are 9.00 - 17.00. This can change on a daily basis due certain tasks/sectors taking different amounts of time. Students will be expected to clean the station that they have been working at.
We require a minimum of 5 students on each course. If we do not have 5 students enrolled for any course, Chef Academy has the right to postpone the course start date. This will be communicated at least 7 days before the course is due to start.


Although our courses are highly practical, students will be required to sit a written assessment upon completion of the course. The assessment is based on the skills and techniques learnt during the training.


All of our courses require payment in full at least eight weeks before the course start date.
All of our courses require a 10% deposit (this is non-refundable) and must be paid at the time of booking to secure a place on the course. The full balance of the course must be paid at least eight weeks before the course start date. Failure to do so may result in losing your place on the course and retention of your deposit.
Cheques should be made payable to The Chef Academy LTD
We accept: MasterCard/Visa credit and debit cards and Switch/Solo/Maestro cards (for the deposit payment only).

Cancellations & Refunds Policy

Chef Academy courses are secured with a non-refundable deposit, with the outstanding balance being due six weeks prior to the start of the course. If you choose to have the didactic kit, this is also non refundable.

Cancellations made more than 42 working days from the start of your course (EU Students only)

Should you wish to cancel your booking more than 42 days from the start of the course, you will be entitled to a full refund of the course fees paid, minus the £500 deposit which is non refundable. Should you wish to transfer to a course date in the future rather than cancel your booking outright, we will transfer your course deposit to that future date, you have six months from the original starting date to book. 

Cancellations made less than 42 working days from the start of your course (EU Students only)

Should you wish to cancel your booking less than 42 working days from the start of the course, we will re list your place for resale and try to find a replacement on your behalf. If we can resell your place, or you are able to provide a suitable replacement, we will refund your course fees (not including the deposit). If we are unable to resell your place and you cannot find a suitable replacement, you will not be entitled to a refund.

Cancellations after the course start date

If you cancel the course on or after the course start date, you will not be entitled to any refund, as we are not able to resell the place.

Cancellations by Chef Academy London

In the unlikely event of cancellation of a course by ourselves, we undertake to offer a suitable transfer to an alternative date or course, or a full refund (within 28 working days) of any course fees.

International Students cancellations and refund policy

Once  you have started your Visa application and have paid the full course fees  you cannot withdraw your application and a refund is not permitted. You will only be issued a refund if refusal of your Visa was due to matters beyond your control.

Personal Belongings

During the course and the training in our restaurant partners, we would urge students not to leave your personal belongings unattended at any time,

Do not bring or store any valuables on the premises, including watches, jewellery or large amounts of cash. Chef Academy London and our partners are not liable or responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged personal property, whether from lockers, vehicles or any other location on the premises.

If any of Chef Academy’s partners reports a student being found with any kind of belongings, money or items that are not their property, the student will be expelled from the school after a full investigation. This may also result in the police being called.

Copyright & Acceptable Usage

Full copyright of course content developed by the Chef Academy of London will be retained by the school. Course notes and reference materials are provided to support students in their studies and ongoing cookery development; these are issued for personal use only.

Intellectual Property Rights

All patents, rights to invention, utility models, copyright and related rights, trademarks, service marks, trade, business and domain names, rights in trade dress on get-up, rights in goodwill or to sue for passing off, unfair competition rights in designs, rights in computer software, database right, topography rights, moral rights, rights in confidential information (including know-how and trade secrets) and any other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all applications for a renewals or extension of such rights or forms of protection in any part of the world.

Liability Release

Participation in the courses may be hazardous for the participant.        

By purchasing any of the Chef Academy courses, the student assumes risk of harm or injury, which may occur as a result of participating in the courses. Participants release waive and discharge Chef Academy of London and its officers, employees, restaurant partners and agents from any liability, costs, claim damages and losses resulting in the individual's participation.

Chef Academy courses include training in a professional kitchen in any of the school's restaurant partners and this can sometimes involve risks. The student releases, waive and discharge the restaurant management,  the trustees, officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claim, damages and losses arising out of or in connection with their training experience.

By purchasing any of the Chef Academy courses you acknowledge that the school and any of the partners do not provide insurance cover to the student for any loss, injuries, illness, or death resulting from the student’s training. You can purchase your own personal insurance cover.

Data Protection

You acknowledge and agree that details of your name, address, payment record and other personal data will be processed by and on behalf of Chef Academy London.

Permission to publish photographs/video

By agreeing to these conditions, you allow Chef Academy of London and its agents, employees, licensees, or staff assigns to take and publish the photographs taken of you in Chef Academy of London website, social networks, newspapers or publications, both printed and electronic. You also waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or the printed or electronic material(s) created from the photographs prior to its/their publication.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The Contract and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter, shall be governed by and construed in accordance within the law of the United Kingdom.

The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of the United Kingdom shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim that arises out of, or in connection with, the contract or its subject matter.


Contact Us
The Chef Academy LTD
Administration Office: 17 Hanover Square, Mayfair - London - W1S 1BN
 +44 -0- 208 087 2501
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Company Reg No. 12978300
UKPRN: 10049547

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the admission requirements?

Age Requirement: Students must be a minimum of 18 years of age to enrol in courses.

Level of English Language: If English is not your first language, you must demonstrate an intermediate English language level.

Is previous culinary experience necessary?

To apply to the Michelin Star Course and the Advanced Cooking Techniques Course, previous experience is needed in the kitchen. Before enrolling, the applicant will go through an assessment with our team, in order to verify the student’s suitability.

How do I book?

Tel: +44 -0- 208 087 2501

Complete our web enquiry form by clicking here: contact us

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

When do I need to pay?

To secure a place on one of our courses, you will need to pay a 10% deposit. This is non- refundable and will be deducted from the final balance. The full balance of the course must be paid at least eight weeks before the course start date.

How can I pay?

We accept payment made by cash, bank transfer, cheque, major credit and debit cards.

* Debit and credit cards can only be used to pay the deposit.

Do you offer financial aid?

We are a private cooking school and cannot offer financial aid.

Can I contact my Job Centre for financial aid?

Yes. We will provide all the course information you will need and you can contact your Job Centre adviser who will study each case individually and decide if the student is eligible.

I work full time, can I attend the course during evenings or weekends?

Yes, we can customise courses to suit the times and needs of each student. If you would like to discuss further, please contact a member of the team and they will assist you accordingly.

Is there a job placement programme for students?

Yes, we have a 100% employment success rate.

Does your school offer student accommodation?

Chef Academy London collaborates with a reputable Real Estate Agency that finds accommodation for our students. If you need accommodation, inform a member of the team when you book your course and they will provide the agency’s contact details.

I am an international student, do I need a student visa?

If you are not an EU citizen, you need to apply for a short term student Visa to enrol for a course.

If any of the information that you provide us with for your Visa application is false we will withdraw the application and you will not be refunded any of the fees.

What is your Cancellations and Refunds Policy?

Please refer to the Terms and Conditions page for details.

Can I change the starting date if I can’t attend the course?

It is possible to change your booking with 30 working days notice. Chef Academy will change your start date if there are still places available for the future course you wish to do. If there are no places available, you will be entitled to a full refund of course fees paid. This will not include the 10% deposit as this is non-refundable.

Fees will not be refunded for changes made less than 28 working days before the course starting date.

I am allergic to certain foods, is that a problem to enrol to the course?

Please let us know as soon as possible if you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies. Chef Academy will be happy to customise your course, however it must be discussed before you enrol.

Chef Academy London

Chef Academy London was founded in 2007 and since then has led the way for professional training for head chefs, pastry chefs and restaurant managers. Book an appointment with one of our expert advisors for more information.

Contact Us

The Chef Academy LTD

Registered Office: 17 Hanover Square, Mayfair - London - W1S 1BN

Phone: +44 -0- 208 087 2501

Email: info@chefacademyoflondon.com