Course Objectives
Chef Academy students learn the art of cooking from a professional platform to gain experience in the field. We offer bespoke, practical and effective courses that focus not only on teaching the main cooking techniques, but also teach the meaning of what it is like to be a chef working in a professional kitchen.
Our students have the chance to train alongside London's best chefs, from top level fine dining to Michelin star level, in the kitchens of their restaurants. They will be ready to start working immediately after the successful completion of the course. They will have all the practical and theoretical skills to confidently enter a professional kitchen.
Chef Academy is a prestigious school that is internationally recognised. The Academy was founded in Italy and due to huge success, another school was opened shortly afterwards in London, which is amongst the most reputable in the UK. Graduating at Chef Academy will give you access to the professional world of cooking. Our school is also internationally recognized by ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Colleges).
“Chef Academy is accredited at Premier status by the Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC) for its commendable areas of operation. ASIC is an independent body which provides accreditation services for independent, further and higher education colleges.
ASIC accreditation helps students and parents make better informed decisions. They also help schools, colleges, universities, training providers and distance education providers to acknowledge they are a part of an international student body and high quality institution.”