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Kosher or Halal course in London?

Are you thinking of enrolling on a Kosher or Halal course?

When reviewing the quality seals of the products that are regularly consumed in the market, on several occasions we have been able to notice the existence of the Kosher or Halal seal. But do you know the nature of these stamps and the process involved in their certification? In this article we will explain it.


Kosher, Casher's Yiddish pronunciation, כָּשֵׁר, is that which meets the requirements of the Hebrew kashrut כַּשְׁרוּת, which designates that "correct" or "appropriate" to be consumed; hence the foods that are suitable for the consumption of the Jewish community are defined. It does not refer to a specific type of food, but to a food review system according to the Jewish ritual and whose meaning is determined by a set of religious criteria prewritten in the Torah (Pentateuch). These laws seek to establish a regime that benefits the body and soul, to achieve both physical and mental balance. It is based on the biblical precepts of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14.

There are several local and international agencies that issue the Kosher certificate, it can also be granted by any rabbi authorized to issue it. The degree of acceptance and recognition of it will depend on the recognition and prestige with which the rabbi enjoys or the authority that issues it. It is worth mentioning the importance of investigating this, since there are few who enjoy unanimous recognition and acceptance.

To obtain this certificate it is necessary to follow a process, dictated by the Rabbinate. In which, the request for the certificate, initial inspection and evaluation by the Rabbinate, the “Kosher” contract, re-inspection and issuance of the Certification is made.

Classification of Kosher Products

Dairy products: Milk and its derived products (cheese, butter cream etc). These products cannot be mixed with meat.

Meat: All animals suitable for consumption according to kosher standards must be ruminant and have split hooves. Kosher is beef, sheep, goat, and certain birds such as chicken, turkey, duck and goose.

Parva or Neutral: Named this way because they contain neither meat nor dairy ingredients. Fruits, grains and vegetables are in their natural state, eggs and fish that do not have scales or fins.

There is also a specific category called Passover (the eighth day that commemorates the exodus of the Jewish population since slavery in Egypt), which respects unique laws on food. Some grains and their derivatives cannot be consumed in Passover even if they are kosher the rest of the year.


The term halal (in Arabic حلال, also transliterated ḥalāl or halaal) refers to the set of practices allowed by the Muslim religion. The term itself encompasses all kinds of practices but is commonly associated with acceptable foods according to Sharia, or Islamic law. The opposite term, which expresses prohibited practices, is haram.

For a food to be considered Halal, it must conform to the regulations contained in the Qur'an, in the traditions of the Prophet, and in the teachings of Islamic jurists. Religion governs many of the daily activities of Muslims.

The Quran orders Muslims a strict diet and lists the foods that Muslims can bring to their table. Halal products not only consider the ingredients that were used to make the product, they also have certain requirements in the manufacturing process.

To obtain the certificate it is necessary to approach a Halal Institution. The following operate in Mexico: Viva Halal AC and the Islamic Cultural Centre of Mexico, who support companies in obtaining this seal.

The steps to obtain the certificate are application, prior evaluation, preliminary visit, inspection program, inspection evaluation, issuance of the license and certificate of conformity, notification, revision of the notification, monitoring and renewal of records.

Taking into account what we mean in general with each of these certifications, defining which of them to handle depends on purely commercial factors, since the market is very specific, with very particular requirements, it is also increasing and with globalization the request for this type of stamps is common.

However, it is necessary to have a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the market in which the product will be handled, as it is what will determine the type of certification to be obtained or the decision to be taken in this matter, since both are and go to sectors completely different whose values ​​and norms are derived from idiosyncrasy, govern their daily behaviour, so knowledge, respect and compliance with them will provide commercial advantages and / or added value to the product that is sought to be marketed.

These are the main differences between kosher and halal.

Do you want to enrol in a Kosher or Halal course in London?

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